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Swipe right to access your personalized press box. Sports Hub gives you the instant access and insights of a beat reporter by surrounding you with can’t-miss news tailored to your favorite teams and players.

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Fire up your phone with live wallpapers that turn your screen into a dazzling Jumbotron. Select wallpapers featuring your favorite logos, players or teams to experience that sold-out stadium energy wherever you go.

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With Sports Hub’s immersive theming, you can drape your phone in your team’s uniform, complete with colors, widgets and icons that chant your diehard passion.
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Follow the playoff hunt game by game. Get dynamic live updates on scores and play-by-play, track wins and losses, and peek ahead to see who’s next on the schedule so you can plan your postseason party in advance.

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Catch every jaw-dropping moment on the journey to the Hall of Fame. Pick individual superstars to follow so you can stay current on the conversation as they play their way to sports immortality.

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